Athens - Ioannina: 435 km. Trip duration is 5,5 hours.
Thessaloniki - Ioannina:
350 km. Trip duration is 3,5 hours.
Ioannina Bus station tel.: 26510.26.286
There are regular routes for all the areas of the county.
Tel.: 26510.27.442,
26510.26.211, 26510.25.014, 26510.37.584
Towards Athens: 2 flights per day. Flight duration is 45 minutes.
Towards Thessaloniki: 5 flights per week (in the summer 5 flights per day). Flight duration is 35 minutes.
The airport of Ioannina is 4 km. away from the city center.
Airport tel.: 26510.26.218
There are boats that go to the little island regularly throughout the whole year.
Information tel.: 26510.81.814
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