Ημαθία, Μακεδονία, χρήσιμες πληροφορίες
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Imathia, information (code +0030)

Imathia, Veria, Macedonia
Access to Imathia is easy through the existing road network, following the road of Egnatia Odos that connects Thessaloniki with Veria and Western Macedonia with Naousa - Veria - Alexandria - Thessaloniki and Veria - Naousa - Edessa.

The best way to explore Imathia is by car so as to visit places that the local transportation cannot reach.
Local Buses tel.: 23310.22.282, 23310.60.703
Intercity Buses (Veria) tel.: 23310.23.334
Intercity Buses (Veria - Thessaloniki - Athens) tel.: 23310.22.342
Intercity Buses Athens tel.:

Intercity Buses tel.: 23320.22.223
Local Buses tel.: 23320.28.500
By train:
There isn't a direct link with Athens. Access by plane is possible through Platy, 35 km. northeast from Veria by the trains that arrive from Thessaloniki.

Train stations:
Veria tel. 23310.24.444
Naousa tel. 23320.41.535
Athens tel.
Thessaloniki tel. 2310.517.517
By plane:
Access by plane is possible through the Macedonia Airport. You can reach the airport of Macedonia by taxi of local buses.

Macedonia Airport (Thessaloniki) tel. 2310.230.240

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Aegean Airlines

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